Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday Reflections

That best describes how I feel.
The last year and a half has been a roller coaster of ups and downs.
It began when we had to put down our faithful companion.

Then came our son’s engagement to a wonderful girl,
followed by a short notice whirlwind trip to Montreal
for my daughter’s Visa interview,
all while wedding planning.

Within six weeks we celebrated my son’s wedding,

Packed my daughter’s life into five suitcases as she prepared to move out of country,

Followed by her wedding a few weeks later.

During this time we also lost a father.

Then came Covid and lockdowns,
more funerals as we lost two aunts,
a friend’s son
and a close friend,
all unexpectedly and none due to Covid.

Add in a new full time job and my world had changed
drastically and quickly.

Then the call you never want,
my hubby had been in a car accident on the way to work.

We are thankful he is alive and his injuries minor considering.
He is still only back to work part time but improving each day.

As I look out my window I wonder if that’s how the disciples felt,
How Jesus felt.
After all, they had been on the ministry road for three years.
I am sure they felt like their life was a bit of a roller coaster as well.

But as I sip my coffee and watch the sun,
Notice the greening of the grace,
And listen to the birds sing,
I feel something else,


The disciples didn’t know the rest of the story,
But we do,
And Sunday is coming.

As I reflect on Good Friday and Easter
I can feel the hope growing inside,
The anticipation for what lies ahead.

Yes I’ve had lots of ups and downs
The past year and a half
But I am looking forward to this new chapter of my journey.


~Finding the amazing in the simple~
Thanks so much for stopping by!



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