For today... Monday, February 28, 2011
Outside my window... It's gray, it's lightly snowing and the temperature is dropping. After a weekend of temperatures right around freezing we are once again heading back into the deep freeze.
I am thinking... How I wished I felt better and that this cold would just go away nice and quickly.
I am thankful for... Warm tea and honey for sore throats.
From the learning rooms... Starting Social.
From the kitchen... I will be cleaning out the fridge so it will probably be an assortment of leftovers.
I am wearing... Black sweats, black tank and a black pullover.
I am creating... A x-stitched bib.
I am going... To kick this cold this week.
I am reading... What Happens When Woman Care by Emilie Barnes.
I am praying for... My dad who will be going to have an angiogram and possibly angioplasty next week.
Pondering these words... Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other (Thomas Fuller)
I am STILL hoping... That spring will come sooner rather than later.
I am hearing... The computer, my daughter working on her social.
Around the house... Low-key activities as we battle the cold.
One of my favorite things... Watching old movies.
A few plans for the rest of the week... It's a quiet week so the only plans I have is to go to the city on Thursday.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
We all need something to cuddle :)
Thank you Peggy for the The Simple Woman's Daybook {follow links to read more}.