Saturday, August 7, 2021

Weekend Adventures - Crowsnest Lake

The carrier racks to carry our kayaks on our car
finally came in after being on backorder.

We were very excited to get the kayaks loaded up
and head out for our first kayaking trip of the season.

The wind was very calm so we headed to Crowsnest Lake.
It is usually quite windy at this lake
so you grab the chance to go when you can.

From Crowsnest Lake you can kayak under the bridge
which connects onto Emerald Lake.

This is the first time we have done this.
The water was a little low so we had to carry
the kayaks to the other side.

Once on Emerald Lake we had a beautiful
but hazy view of Crow Mountain.

And very calm, clear waters.

The breeze did start to pick up
so we decided it was time to head back.

On the way back we saw a family of Mountain Goats.
We just stopped and watched them for awhile.
We were close enough that we could hear them bleating.

And finally back to our site where we pulled out the gravity chairs
and it was time to
"Sip back and relax".

Hope you had a weekend of fun & adventure.

 ~Finding the amazing in the simple~
Thanks so much for stopping by!


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